6 Steps of Software Application Development and Maintenance Process
Application development is a lengthy and tedious process that requires long hours dedicated to the work along with team management. It needs constant approvals, error rectifications, and improvements in compliance with the client. Organizations offering application development services and software development services often follow the agile methodology which is scrum-based. The infographic in discussions jots down the 6 main steps involved in the application or software development process from the beginning until the end of the product deployment, its execution, and its regular maintenance.
The first step being requirement gathering and understanding the next part of product design which entails database modeling to designing and prototyping leading to the next phase of development and implementation. Testing is the next major and critical phase that can not be ignored. Deployment and further maintenance are the two phases that are essential for a holistic application and software development process. These are the prerequisites and service providers and resource providers like Sphinx Worldbiz always ensure to miss no step while moving ahead in the process cycle.