Seeking to hire frontend developers but don’t know where to start from? None other web design and development disciplines are maturing radically than frontend development. Bygone are those days when a frontend developer was expected to hold expertise on limited languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As web browsers became increasingly matured and advanced, those core skills became insufficient.
To outpace the cut-throat market and be at the forefront of the latest technologies can be indeed intimidating and cumbersome. Therefore, we bring here the top 8 trends that will definitely rule the current year and 2022 helping you find some direction when hiring frontend developers. Whether you plan to hire frontend developers for enhancing performance, maintaining user experience for better customer service, or improving the user interface, these undermentioned trends offer lucrative advantages.
Headless Architecture
Enterprise-grade platforms like Sitecore offer headless architecture for designing rich user-driven web applications. This will aid you in the modern fast-paced agile market by detaching the delivery layer and presentation of your web application from the CMS.
Typescript has become one of the most adopted trends in recent years and is set to continue in 2022. By adding static types to JavaScript, frontend developers can work with high-level languages for common use on web development. One doesn’t have to learn it all; you only have to add Typescript to an existing application discipline as JavaScript will still work.
Micro-frontend architectures are comparatively simpler and thus easier to execute and manage. It’s a concept roughly inspired by microservices. Frontend developers can benefit from this design approach by decomposing into individual, semi-independent “micro apps” functioning droopily together.
Web Components
You probably had no idea but they are all over us and we experience them every day, everywhere. These are known as web components. Expanding HTML isn’t a new concept at all but when added web components, frontend developers can finally attain a standard.
GraphQL has become the most adapted and cherished alternative to the basic REST API standard. It has helped developers with declarative data fetching from a single endpoint. This query language ensures enhanced efficiency and faster feature development by providing clients the power to ask for what they actually seek.
JAMstack is a collaboration of JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. It is the newest standard architecture for web-frontend development. With the help of modern build tools and Git workflows, pre-rendered content can be provided to a CDN while making complex changes through serverless functions and APIs. Technologies that tag along with its stack are JavaScript frameworks, CDNs, Static Site Generators, and Headless CMSs.
Once ruled by Angular, then React, the trends for frameworks change faster than anything. As per the market predictions, Vue.js will continue to spread its service while being steady to climb onto the top; however unlikely to rule the entire domain anytime soon. Perhaps, 2022 will witness the radical growth of frameworks backed with web components.
Component Driven Development
Vaguely amalgamated independent components have become an industry vogue for engineering the front end of any website or application. The year 2021 and the next will witness the constant rise of frontend tools like Bit for leveraging rapid development and integrating existing components into a vigorously reusable shared collection.