Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: Now and Next
Artificial Intelligence is all pervasive. There’s a lit bit of AI in every internet user’s lives. The brands and organisations are increasingly using AI for better marketing, engagement and above all, enhanced user experience. The infographic mentions some important and recent development and forecasts in nutshells spanning over now and the times to come.
IT service providers are fiercely working on developing the technology and make the most of it since AI is still in native stage. However, leveraging the power of AI, developers are able to offer an array of services which are innovative and effective for businesses as marketing solutions. Expert services like predictive analytics, data visualization and deep learning facilitate better decision-making for the agencies using data for their customers across industries. This is easily seen in the fact that 8 out of 10 businesses have either already adopted and implemented AI, about 37% of them or are planning to adopt it by 2020, which will make the user base shoot up to about 41% which is an improvement and is smashing records of the usage and discard of other older technologies. Now is a highly lucrative time to invest in the technology. Next is a whole new AI driven world at our disposal.