Why Outsourcing to a Near-shore Software Development Company Might be your Best Bet
The recent global social media blackout that hit Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram is still resonating in conversations. The corporation lost billions of dollars as a result of the six hours of downtime, which was blamed on engineering errors. It served as a practical reminder that businesses of all sizes are in real danger without a highly skilled software development staff. Since more than 70% of mobile phone users make online purchases, businesses rely on these technical teams to close the gap between them and customers from all over the world. As a result, anyone founding a firm would find it challenging to develop a useful revenue model without taking internet marketing into account. This also makes choosing the proper software a “make or break” decision.
The good news is that it’s easier than ever to source software development. Because of the Internet, businesses can collaborate with teams located anywhere in the globe, saving time and money on tasks like setting up a workstation and buying supplies. The term “near-shore” refers to nations that are close by. Near-shore software development firms are available for hiring and may provide a number of benefits, such as:
- Identical time zones of operation
The average time difference between cities in the U.S. is around one hour, but working across vastly different time zones can cause communication problems that can result in dissatisfaction and damaged relationships since one team may feel like they are always one step ahead of the other. Time zone variations are kept to a minimum by near-shore businesses, ensuring easy communication and collaboration.
- Assistance with face-to-face communication
Businesses frequently invest substantial sums in travel. Shorter trips made feasible by near-shore businesses lower these costs and enable more in-person meetings. Less money spent on transportation also makes it simpler to establish a permanent site, should the need arise.
- Intellectual property protection
Due to the broad differences in national and continental legislation, offshore software development IP can be challenging to legally protect. Investing in a near-shore firm may frequently benefit businesses that rely on patented ideas.
- Better code
The likelihood of producing better code than offshore software developers is increased by the fact that near-shore software engineers frequently have access to the most recent data, technology, and coding languages.
- Easier to communicate
Businesses cannot afford for information to be lost in translation, thus a common language is essential when developing software. Project coordination may move along smoothly since everyone is aware of the guidelines. Additionally, as was already said, when teams are located in the same time zone, real-time communication allows for simple alterations, adjustments, and general discussion.
- Improved infrastructure
Strict regulations on building construction and upkeep apply to near-shore developers, ensuring that infrastructure (such as IT support systems and Internet connection) is in excellent working order.
How to choose the right near-shore firm
In Europe, a lot of companies provide remote software engineering services, but how can you pick the best one? Here are some ideas to improve your chances:
- Invest time and money into the hiring process. Persistence pays off. The results are better when more effort is invested into locating the ideal match. To that reason, properly screen people before beginning any interview process, and be aware that certain businesses would want to physically inspect the remote location’s structural stability.
- Assure the security of data. Companies should be certain that a remote software developer can keep any sensitive data private, so don’t be afraid to test its firewalls until you are satisfied.
- Dissatisfied with the teams currently available? Make it yours! You may have come across really skilled coders in various organizations. Do not be reluctant to combine them to form your own team. Building the ideal software might occasionally resemble putting jigsaw pieces together.